Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Miki!!

There are 2 things Miki really loves.....camping and on her special day the first order of business, after latte and roses, was fishing......!
Somewhere out in the netherlands of Spider Lake, there is a woman fishing.....and filling her soul with the quiet of the lake and the zen of the movement......

Spider Lake is such a pristine place, and despite being a really busy weekend for activities in Parksville and Qualicum Beach, there were not many people there....a bonus.

The fisher returns....exhausted after hauling in all those fish....well, ok, no fish, and she does catch and release anyway.......and has a nap on our picnic bench.

and then, because it is her birthday and she wants to, despite the cool temps and bit of a breeze, she goes in swimming.......

And there she is - swimming in the lake....brrrrr.....and enjoying her Birth Day!!!!

After we got home, she enjoyed the surprise dinner party with friends Terri, Larry, Ingrid and Maggie - shrimp on the barby, rice, corn, salad and marshmallows on the chimichinga for dessert - with a candle, of course!!

And finally, although it was in our backyard with all the amenities of home nearby, we "camped" for the night and had a lovely sleep in the tent!!! Happy Birthday, dear Miki!!!!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Critters and birthdays......

Chi'ik likes to prowl the deck at the cabin....always on his harness, however....

Dax just gets to roam around, as she can't jump the barrier we made at the stairs....loves that water bucket...

We had an unexpected visitor a few times......check out the railing outside the window.....Chiik and Dax were very curious.............

Yup - a dear young racoon helping himself to the bird suet.....

We wondered why it was disappearing so fast....but all the birds love it too.....woodpeckers, blue jays, stellar jays....and racoons, as it turns out.........

We got to attend our friend Bruce's birthday bash while we were in Victoria - here son Sam does the honours on the barbeque............

Jason arrived that day from Vancouver, so joined the party for a bit before we all headed to the cabin......

Catherine organized an amazing spread of food, and everyone contributed an appy, so it was a feast....

Lots of friends came to celebrate with the family.......

Bruce, the Birthday Boy.......75 years young!!!
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dogs and Sooke visits....

Another fun dog sitting day with Chloe, TG and Molly
"where to now, auntie D......???"
Chloe and Miki set a faster pace that the other two....
OMG - back in the car're not going to throw up again, are you Chi'ik....Chi'ik.....ewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!"
Another lovely stay at Brian and Josh's cabin......
A restful light filled space on the water......
with gorgeous sunsets.......
and Chi'ik is fine once he gets here.......
So this time we got to have dinner with Pam and Margo....
our visits to Victoria is such a great time to spend with dear friends.
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