Sunday, April 24, 2011

mamita and babies....

Walked the dog to the end of the street to get some buns at the bakery. Right under a bush, on the ground, was a very small mama cat and her 3 tiny babies. With all the street dogs around, they would not have lasted long.

So went home, got a cat carrier, and picked up mama first, who can't be more than 4 months old herself, and then added tiny babies. Mamita is very hungry and has gone through 2 bowls of food in the last hour. Too sweet - wish we were staying to look after them, but Diane will come tonight and take them home to a big dog carrier where they will have litter and room to grow.
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hockey, rain and The Men

Another hockey night in Puerto Morelos.....good grief, what is going on with our Boys.....??

Ah, the tropics of minute it looks like this.....................

And the next it looks like this!!! First rain since the beginning of March, so long overdue and very welcome......except that it rained out the last show of the season for the Men in Blues.............. it had to move into the restaurant at David Lau's, which was crowded, but fun!

The Men really rocked tonight and brought the house to its feet........

Valorie (from Victoria), Abby (PM local) and Val's pal from Ontario are here again and loved the show!

See you next winter, Men in Blues!!!!
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Yup - blog is officially fixed!

Final night in town for Mick, Bev, Lynn, John, Murray and Mario......starting off with dinner at Lau's, of course.

Then we moved on to Cantina Habernaros for some live music and dancing and picked up Diane and Michelle, other new friends from Ottawa!

Vertigo was great as usual and had us all up and moving!

Speaking of the Cantina, you will remember that we lost dear Ed in January, and his young wife, Natalie and 2 little kids are doing a great job (with lots of help from this town) running the bar and restaurant. Wednesday was Naty's birthday, so we all gathered to wish her a very happy birthday!

2 bands came for the celebration - Mark Mulligan and then Vertigo.

She was well honoured and loved, and Puerto Morelos will continue to support her and her family!
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passports, friends and goodbyes

Went into Cancun to send off our passport applications (they were lost earlier this year) and had lunch at the Aquarium in La Isla, an amazing shopping mall on the lagoon, and next door to the Canadian consultate.

Dear Lee returned from Ontario after the passing of her dear Mom, and spent a couple of nights with us catching her breath before heading back to Ek Balam and the running of her business.

We had a final party for Bev and Mick, Lynn and John, who have headed back to Collingwood Ontario for the summer.

See you all next year, folks! We will miss you!
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Is it attempt.....

Botas has heartworm (the dog version of malaria, contracted by mosquitos).....sigh. It kills many dogs in Mexico, but we had him tested, and he is in the early stages, so once his treatment is over, he will be fine, and have monthly preventative medication from getting it again. For 2 weeks he had to have aspirin to thin his blood. Then 2 injections, a day apart, which knocked the stuffing out of him for 3 days. More aspirin for the following 3 weeks, and NO activity, hence the little jail he has been in for 5 weeks. Poor muffin, he feels so much better, but can't go for a run yet, so we go for sedate little walks so he can do his business. Another week or so and he can run like the wind again.

Omar and Yasemin, who come down every year, did their annual visit, so we joined them for breakfast at Pelicanos.

They divide their time between Santa Barbara and Turkey, with Puerto Morelos thrown in the mix a couple of times a year. Great to see them both again.

OMG - a REAL barbeque!!! We have now brought 3 barby's down here from Canada - and they all rust out in the first year. We priced stainless ones in Canada and they were anywhere from $300 - $1,000...! Then we found this beauty in Costco in Cancun - for $199!! Thanks to son Jason, it now sits proudly in our outdoor kitchen. Just need a propane tank and we will be ready for great barbys next winter!
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