Thursday, March 10, 2011

House for sale in Parksville!

Well, here is a new and different blog entry for you. We have decided to sell our wonderful Parksville home. I know all the people who know us well will say, so what else is new......but we have owned it now for 7 years and invested a ton of blood sweat and tears into it. We are ready for something new and have an accepted offer on a large 3 bedroom condo in Parksville, subject to the sale of our place. Buying something from 5,000 miles you say....are we crazy....???  Maybe a little, but we have complete faith in our realtor, and have seen many pics, so feel ok about doing this. Our wonderful house sitters have done some final renos for us - painting, new walls and floor in the laundry room, tiling the fireplace, etc, and have been Amazing Angels not only to do all the renos but also to handle all the showings and so on which go along with being listed. If anyone knows someone who might be moving to Parksville please pass this info along - we only need one buyer.....! There is an open house on Saturday, and the MLS listing can be seen at - #311725

You can always email me at if you happen to know someone who might need more info. Networking rules!!!

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Cactus and popcorn....

The giant cactus is once again in bloom - only at night....and has several blooms high up on her arms.

For anyone who missed this last month, this cactus only blooms at night, on one night, and there are some buds low down which are going to bloom any night now. Really beautiful, so I will hope to catch them when they open.

Miki and I have been working too hard, so we ran off to Cancun yesterday afternoon and went to the movies.....air conditioned, of course.......and THEN went to Costco, Wallmart and Chedraui to do shopping for ourselves and 3 others. It was great fun and we saw the new 3D adventure called Sanctum from James Cameron. Don't ask why there is a blender on the seat beside us......we bought it for someone and didn't want to leave it in the car.
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More Carnival....!

Oh, yes, she is back, friends and neighbours, the drag queen who was the MC for the dance competitions in the main square....this guy is as good as anyone in Canada or the U. S. and has the entire audience - including aging Mayans and families - howling with laughter.

The dancers have incredible outfits........

Men and women alike

And the float that went by just couldn't get enough of the camera.....!
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