Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Animals galore!

Isn't it amazing how kittens can just fall asleep ANYWHERE......ANY TIME........?????

Mum's lap is a good place, while she reads and drinks iced tea.

Or the floor will do, when he has just gone full our playing for half an hour and then just crashes.......!

Please meet Huesos (Bones) who is the dog run over by a taxi - who aimed for him!!!
He has had his hip operated on and is now tied in his yard getting morning nursing care from his "Moms" Diane and I. He gets a little better every day, but has a long recovery ahead.
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Girls Night Out!

John Cooker's last concert of the season was packed and the guys put on an awesome show!

See you next year, John - we will miss you! Good thing John Stewart is still around for a while or this town would be pretty quiet!

Girls night out with Rhonda, Rebecca and Sharon - we had supper, listened to the music and enjoyed a great evening!
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last Saturday for John Cooker

David Lau's was full on Sat night as John and his friends put on an awesome show.

Friends from Iowa had a great time - and will be back again next year!

Even Valorie took a moment out of her wild schedule to boogie to the great music!
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Lazy day

Inside this little carrier is a ferral black cat, just about to return "home" to the ADO bus station, where it lives. I picked him up yesterday, took him to Dr. Jorge to get snipped, and then he spent the night freaking out in our bathroom. Trashed the place trying to find a way out, but this morning there he was, all curled up back in the cat carrier, so home he went, with a good supply of food. The staff at the bus station love him and so he is very friendly and sweet, just has never been in a house before.

The rest of the day this is where I was, floating in the pool, reading my book, drinking iced tea - a real day off!!!!!!

Chi'ik, late last night, fell into the pool as he was running along the edge talking to a cat on our wall. Today, however, he was still curious about whether maybe HE could float around in the pink ring.............

He drinks from the pool and seems to like being on the rim while I am in there reading or even doing my exercises - except when I splash too much!
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bon Voyage!

Jill leaves Thursday to be with Bill and her grand kids for 3 weeks, so Diane, Jill and I had supper at Los Gauchos - fabulous meals!

Then we took Diane home to bake bread, and headed to the Cantina Bistro to listen to John Cooker and his buds. Great music.

We sat with friends Tony and Rebecca, and enjoyed a nice evening of music and fun.

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Animal week

Tuesday and Wed were taken up with rushing another dog, Huesos (Bones) to the vet hospital in Cancun. He had been hit by a taxi (who swerved TO hit him!!!) and had his hip dislocated. This on top of his last injury by a car, which permanently damaged his sciatic nerve. Poor thing. Diane and I went in yesterday to pick him up in her van, and we got him settled in his crate for the night across the street from the bakery. Bev is going to help out with care for the next couple of days - it will be a 3 - 6 month recovery period for him.

Chi'ik is growing in leaps and bounds. This is how he keeps an eye on Botas in the front yard. He really misses going out there, but Botas is a serious cat chaser and has already chomped Chi'ik once, so no way they are going to work it out in the next 6 weeks.

We try to continue to feed our other street cats. The little ramp I made was way to steep for them, so now we put the food on top of the wall in the back patio. 4 of them have figured it out - Mama Chaplin, Negro baby, Papa and one of the twins.

Of course, the grackles also enjoy the accessible food, and I have already lost 2 containers over the wall into the next yard, as the birds knock them off.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Social weekend

Bev and Mick (missing from pic because he was slaving over a hot barbeque - great pork tenderloin, buddy!) invited me on Friday night to dinner at their lovely condo, with friends both from England (Mick - yes, ANOTHER ONE) and Pamela, and M & M from Chelem, who have also invested in this lovely building, and so become neighbours as well as new friends.

The living room is very spacious and there are 2 bedrooms, 2 baths and no less than 3 decks.

Saturday night was a double header. The final concert in the square, supposed to be on Friday night, which is a major fundraiser for the community, was preemted by a bishop, who rolled into town, did a service in the square and even put on a free dinner for the locals. So the concert was rescheduled to Saturday night and was an all out 4 hour extravaganza of entertainment.

Also on Saturday nights, of course is Cooker John's blues, accompanied this night by John Stewart, a hot sax player named Danny, Randy on bass, and a great keyboardist whose name I didn't get. The place was packed, as usual and it was an awesome couple of hours of music after I closed the bookstore.
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Friday, March 19, 2010

cats and kids

Little Chi'ik is right back to his old (young!!) self, but he still has that cute little purple butt, left over from the antiseptic.

Because dog Botas has now monopolized the front yard, the back yard is now the cat feeding zone. Bowl up on the wall, where Mama Chaplin, Papa, baby Negro and one of the Twins have discovered the food.

The Town Square was a busy place this morning, as the little ones were rehearsing for their dance performance tonight.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Little Chi'ik's surgery day!

Today is the day Chi'ik gets neutered by the good Dr. Jorge.
Try getting a cat into a box who really doesn't want to be there, past a dog who just KNOWS there is a cat in that box......we gave it up and used a beach bag until we got to the car. Then his little head popped out and he was actually very cool in the car - didn't mind the engine or the short drive of a few blocks at all.

At Dr. Jorge's, I took him in at 10:30 am and came back at 5:30 pm to pick him up. It was a rainy, long day, missing my little buddy and wondering how he was doing.

"Mama, he hurt me down there......!" Poor little muffin was very woozy, had a purple but from the antiseptic, and staggered around the house following me everywhere. So I cancelled my plans to go listen to music and meet friends for green beer, and just cuddled up with the baby.

This is where he spent the whole night, mostly sleeping. He had not had any food or water since midnight, so he did stagger over to his bowl and his litter box on occasion, but basically was asleep on my chest all evening and night. He goes back to Dr. Jorge to get his first shots, and then 2 weeks later for the next set, when he will get his certificate that will allow him to be under my seat on Alaska Air on his way to Canada on April 30!
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More music!

Mondays are my Fridays, so like to go find some music and have a glass of wine to celebrate. This Monday I went to Posada Amor where this charming local gentleman was singing and playing.

I am sorry I have forgotten his name, but when I see him again I will write it down for sure. He has an amazing voice!!!!

Little Chi'ik has decided my vegetable basket is the perfect place for a nap!
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Bonito Juarez Day!

March 15 was a special day in Mexico - a day to celebrate Benito Juarez, one of the leaders of Mexico who was instrumental in defeating the French and leading the revolution in Mexico.

Parades are the order of the day when there is something to celebrate in Mexico, and this parade went right by the bookstore, complete with a brass band (well, ok, 4 guys with trumpets, but it sounded like a full band!).

The whole procession ended in the church for mass and then poured back onto the streets for another turn around the square.

This was the littlest member of the parade, dressed in his finest! Viva Mexico!!!!!
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